4 Reasons To Work With A Personal Trainer
Obviously, people get gym memberships to get in shape. There’s a lot of that going on right now being that it’s the start of the year. But people join luxury gyms for a variety of reasons like the one I train out of(EQUINOX on the Miracle Mile).. It could be social status, or networking opportunities. Or maybe they’d just rather workout in a really really clean gym. They’re all good reasons. But improving on overall health and fitness should be at the top of the list (I’d hope). My employer takes a great deal of pride in providing not just a great workout, but a great experience for its members. And thats the main reason why I wanted to train here. My occupation is considered a luxury item by most, and “ not a real job” by others(OK fine). Hey fair enough. After all, the stats say most aspiring personal trainers give up after about 6 months( thats another story for another day).
Back to the subject. Us personal trainers get a few main objections. Those being:
- I don’t have the money
- I don’t have the time
- Let me ask my spouse
- What are your intensions? Are you that sleezy trainer thats using fitness for an ulterior motive?(This one is never directly spoken, at least not to me. But I know it exists)
My takeaways from these objections are, “I don’t see the value”, or “ I don’t trust you”. Ok I get it.Lots of people think of personal trainers as that guy on Instagram flexing his muscles while shirtless. “ used to play football, I used to play basketball, run marathons. Now I’m gonna train you based on my experience “. Maybe we’ve earned our reputation as a whole. Or maybe its the less than qualified influencers making the real trainers look bad=maybe there’s some some flaws into the intro level as to how trainers begin their journey ( I agree with that part) . I prefer to make posts on an anatomy, human movement, exercise science and my journey into this field(while keeping my shirt on).
But not showing the value? OK, well thats where even myself will dedicate to own up and get better. Like my coach, I’d like to see personal trainers viewed in the same light as doctors, physical therapists and registered dietitians. So here’s to the next generation of personal trainers beginning where the aforementioned fields have fallen short, EDUCATION(where we thrive in the gym I work in). So lets talk about why working with a personal trainer is not just a luxury item:
- I just took my first trip to the gym. Now what the f*ck do I do with all this equipment ?
After talking to various members and clients , its come to my attention that lots of people pay $250/month for a membership to a luxury gym. Then they arrive with no clue. They’re resolution? Go do cardio for 30 minutes and go home( not exactly what I’d have in mind if i paid for a luxury gym membership.
Well us personal trainers just so happen to know what to do with all this equipment( hey we’re good for something right???)..And I know the gym can be an intimidating place. Thats why I’ve nicknamed the free weight section of the gym that I work out of, “the sophisticated meathead zone”(because its a luxury gym).
- I had my plan in place, but that machine/equipment is taken:
So one of my favorite clients had to drop her membership this past summer because she moved to the east coast. And during her last session she said” Carlos, something that separated you from previous trainers I worked with, you alway took the time to explain the rationale behind your programming”. Then she asked, “ if I ever want to hire another trainer what should I look for?” My response, ask your potential new trainer if he/she owns an anatomy book and which one?
When an understanding of anatomy and human movement is sound we can adjust the routine. Because we aren’t thinking about exercises, but movement patterns instead. A qualified fitness professional will make his / her way around the fact that equipment isn’t available.
- Do you really know what you’re doing?
I talked about anatomy in the last section. Hey, we have a lot of influencers showing cool new exercises. And people follow that because these influencers look the part. For the record, us fitness professionals should also look the part. But just because someone looks the part doesn’t mean they’re qualified to teach. An exercise may have worked for that individual. But that doesn’t mean it’ll work for you. A qualified fitness professional tailors programs specifically to clients. And that starts with a sound understanding of anatomy.
- Find your comfort zone. Now leave it ASAP!!
I’’m a firm believer that trainers need trainers . We always need someone pushing us to get to the next level. I have a great team around me. They push me to be the best version of Carlos the trainer. It’s ultimately about accountability. And it’s so easy to fall back into that comfort zone if we don’t have someone pushing us!
Hire a personal trainer, a qualified one.. It’s well worth it. I’ll show ya!